Help Save Harold’s Heart Update
Local Teacher Needs help for Life Saving Operation!
Special from Rosa Landry:
(Backgrounder: Earlier this month, we ran an article detailing the need for a vital operation to help Harold Get a vital operation to heal his heart.See Help Save Harold’s Heart. This is the latest update.)
Due to a new development in German law, stem cell treatment is currently not possible to perform at the X-cell centre.Though we’ve been assured that this is only a short term situation, we do not want to risk Harold’s health on political issues that may take months to resolve.
Harold has now applied for treatment by the world renown cardiologist Dr Roberto-Fernadez Vina.
Our target date for treatment is mid July to mid August.
The other good news is that Harold’s two specialists here in Canada fully support his decision to have stem cell treatment, and will co-ordinate their efforts with Dr Vina in treating Harold before and after treatment. We know we are helping to pave the way for all the other people in crisis to bring stem cell therapy to Canada.
Thank you all for your continuous support in helping to save Harold’s life.
For More information, or to make a donation please visit
Save Harold’s Heart
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