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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Omemee Community Care Diner’s Club Inaccessible!

Special Needs Clients, Elderly - Missing Out!

Community Care Diners' Club for seniors, and purple with special needs meet regularly at ten locations throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes, Diners’ Clubs (also known as Greet and Eat in some communities) provide a nutritious meal, great company, and are often accompanied by entertainment or a guest speaker. Transportation can even be arranged if required as well. So why are some people in Omemee missing out?

Omemee Community Care Diners' Club meets the first Thursday of each month,at noon, from April to Christ Anglican Church,  62 King Street East Omemee. No membership is required, and  Omemee Lioness put on a lovely dinner for only $5.. Unfortunately,there are some in our village who cannot enjoy this excellent service.
Dinner Not Meeting Target Audience Needs
Looking at the packed room, one might think the program is tremendous success. Although intended for seniors, and those with special needs, you will often find a mixed group at the luncheons, as drivers are welcome to join in the fun. Several blocks away, however, a group of seniors with limited mobility wonder why an inaccessible venue has been chosen for a service intended for seniors,and those with special needs.
.Unfortunately, Christ Anglican Church is not wheelchair friendly, and requires the navigation of a set of stairs to enter the basement hall, and the washrooms-well we won’t go there-and neither will you if you have mobility challenges. It is unfortunate that a program intended to help those with challenges, is not accessible to them. This choice of venue has baffled many in the village,especially since both Coronation Hall, and Trinity United Church are wheelchair accessible and have kitchen facilities.. Perhaps someday, the venue will be changed, so those who need this program the most will be able to access it.

Diners’ Clubs take place in the following communities across City of Kawartha Lakes:Bobcaygeon, Cambray,Kirkfield & District, Fenelon Falls, Lindsay, Mariposa, Somerville, Woodville. Call Community Care head office at (705) 324-7323 or toll free 1-800-461-0327 or visit
 For further information about Lioness catering please call Barb at (705) 799-5911

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